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Atomizing the Primer: Purpose-Specific Edtech Applications

July 24, 2024

In an excellent essay Exorcising us of the Primer published earlier this month, Andy Matuschak explores the seductive appeal, and advantages and disadvantages as a model for edtech applications, of “The Young Lady’s Illustrated Primer” from Neal Stephenson’s prescient 1995 novel The Diamond Age. The Primer is a versatile audiovisual device that educates the novel’s […]


Compound AI and Fit-for-Purpose Edtech Applications

June 30, 2024

A debate is raging in the AI community between those who believe that large language models (LLMs) and their offspring can or will be able to do (more or less) anything, and those who believe that a wider diversity of AI methods are likely to be needed. Similarly but much less visibly, in the edtech […]


Steady, Then Fast: PlaylistBuilder and ASU+GSV

April 23, 2024

What a difference a few months can make! In my last blog in December, I wrote confidently about LearnerShape’s “steady progress”. Now it’s time for us to shift into a higher gear. The reason for our acceleration is our new PlaylistBuilder application, which offers efficient AI-driven curation of video content for learning, targeted at higher-education […]


Making Steady Progress with Verifiable Credentials

December 10, 2023

LearnerShape is supporting the adoption of Verifiable Credentials in education through technology development and multiple pilot studies


Open Source Learning Infrastructure: Nearly 3 Years On, An Idea Whose Time Has Come

August 31, 2023

Changing needs and newly emerging capabilities support an open vision for learning infrastructure


Fear and Loathing in AI-Land

June 12, 2023

With concerns around AI safety focusing on regulation are we missing practical solutions to address specific risks?


ChatGPT: The Good, The Bad and LearnerShape

March 3, 2023

ChatGPT is a powerful tool, if we use it wisely it can have a positive impact on education


AI Regulation is Already Here – It’s Just Not Very Evenly Distributed

November 27, 2022

With the capabilities of AI advancing rapidly in the past decade attention is turning to regulation


LearnerShape Joins Study on EU AI Act

November 10, 2022

Learnershape is pleased to have participated in an Open Loop study of the proposed EU AI Act


The Path to DeSoc: How Verifiable Credentials and Soulbound Tokens Can Work Together

September 6, 2022

There is a huge opportunity for a new paradigm of Internet authentication based on blockchain technology with many of the technologies already here


Announcing LearnerShape SkillsGraph

June 16, 2022

We are delighted to announce the LearnerShape SkillsGraph project, a standards-based, open-source application for authentication of skills on the Cardano blockchain


Learnershape Wins CogX Award 2022 for Best Innovation, Open Source Technology

March 27, 2022

We believe that this award validates the quality of our technology and the innovative vision of our open source business model


Traditional Learning Ecosystem, Complexity and Infrastructure

March 21, 2022

Although learning is a complex process, simple systems can be used to support and enhance the complex user interactions crucial for learning success


Integrating AI and Blockchain, and a Free Business Idea

January 20, 2022

The potential of AI and blockchain technology, already demonstrated individually, is just beginning to be explored


A Big Win for LearnerShape with Cardano Project Catalyst and Universal Skills Authentication

November 11, 2021

With funding approved through Project Catalyst, we are applying our open source technology to skills authentication on the Cardano blockchain


Blockchain, Education, and LearnerShape

October 14, 2021

With a new role in solving education challenges blockchain is proving to be more than hype


Introducing lsgraph 2.0: A robust API for learning applications

August 31, 2021

A major update to lsgraph, our open source learning infrastructure library, brings new concepts and a cleaner interface


The Power of Questions

July 26, 2021

Questions are a powerful tool – able both to elicit information and, when used fully, to expand the space for dialog and understanding


Going Beyond Skills Taxonomies with AI

June 22, 2021

Complex organizational learning needs are poorly handled by existing skills taxonomies – AI can bridge the gap and bring precision and responsiveness


How Advanced Is That Course? Building an AI Model for Learning Resource Levels

May 25, 2021

Learning resource recommendation is more than relevance – the correct level is also vital. Conceptual and machine learning advances enable this exciting new feature


Job Recommendations Using Neural Network Embeddings of Skills

April 6, 2021

Useful job recommendation requires more than simply counting missing skills. Our new approach uses neural embeddings to include the interdependence between skills.


Using AI To Build the World’s Best Open Source Learning Infrastructure

March 11, 2021

The educational needs of people and organizations are complicated. Building AI-powered open source learning infrastructure delivers the diverse and tailored solutions needed.


Building AI that Comprehends the Online Education Problem

February 23, 2021

Education is complex – really complex. We humans struggle with both the scale and the granularity of educational options for content, targets, and skills. We are building LearnerShape based on the idea that AI can help address this problem. But AI is a tool. The solution needs to work for humans


Enabling effective reskilling, efficient reskilling and employee engagement

January 25, 2021

With rapid changes in the workforce organizations need to be continuously learning to avoid skill gaps. Reskilling needs to be effective, efficient, and maintain employee engagement over the long term.


Any Content, Any Skills Framework, Any Platform

December 24, 2020

The central reason why LearnerShape’s AI-based technology is disruptive is its flexibility. The exciting part is when this flexible vision delivers results for customers.


Announcing lsgraph, an open source project for workforce reskilling

November 17, 2020

Today, we are delighted to announce the lsgraph project, an open source API to support decisions around reskilling and upskilling. LearnerShape has been privately developing lsgraph as a core part of our infrastructure and are now publicly releasing our codebase under the LGPL license.


LearnerShape and Ethical AI

November 2, 2020

It’s vital for AI and machine learning to develop into constructive, helpful members of society. LearnerShape’s mission – to help learners find useful courses and learning pathways – means that we are especially responsible for getting this right.


How AI Allows for Reskilling To Be Flexible

October 16, 2020

LearnerShape is focused on using artificial intelligence (AI) to improve reskilling for future jobs. In this blog post I discuss why AI matters for reskilling — it’s all about flexibility — and give a basic explanation of how we use AI.


How to reskill your workforce at scale in the age of AI

September 28, 2020

When we were developing the ideas that have become LearnerShape, we were highly motivated by very visible examples of large companies investing in reskilling and upskilling — AT&T and Amazon in particular.


Remote Working and Mental Health

August 31, 2020

Over the last few months, the world has seen a sudden and unexpected shift from working in the office to working from home. The workplace support structures and routines we relied on are no more and this left us with not as much opportunity for collaboration and feedback.


The LearnerShape skill map: seeing skills dynamically

July 30, 2020

How do we describe the skills someone has, the competences required for a particular job, or the knowledge someone is planning to acquire? Learning and reskilling are key processes, and the education and employment sectors have always looked for clear frameworks to list and describe skills.


Reskilling and Upskilling for a Post-Covid Era

June 16, 2020

Every company has a strategy. It may be explicit, formally stated and running to many written pages, charts and spreadsheets; it may be so implicit as to lead the company to believe that it has no strategy and no need of one – that its actions are guided by nothing more sophisticated than experience, insights and common sense; or it may lie somewhere between these two extremes. Whichever, all companies do have a strategy.


Collaborative Learning: Using AI to Make Online Learning More Human

May 30, 2020

Enabling collaborative learning is a key focus of LearnerShape. In this post, our CEO Maury Shenk and lead advisor on collaborative learning Prof. James Fleck explain why.


Start-Ups in the Crisis: Looking to the Future

April 21, 2020

COVID-19 has already seen a strong response from the technology community, ranging from Google and Apple joining forces to develop a contact tracing protocol to Sam Altman leading crowd-funding for a billion face masks to Jack Dorsey donating $1 billion (almost a third of his wealth) to relief programs.


Recreating the Traditional Learning Ecosystem Online

March 19, 2020

What do cavemen and cavewomen, blacksmiths and babies have in common? For one thing, they learn “on the job” (so to speak … we don’t actually want to put babies to work) in the traditional learning ecosystem involving learners, teachers, content and jobs/trades (babies do have important jobs to learn like attracting attention, eating, crawling, etc).


The Reskilling Pipeline

February 24, 2020

LearnerShape is building a solution for computing individualized reskilling pathways, so we pay close attention to what other companies are doing in this space. Increasingly, we are observing that the market is coalescing around a reskilling “pipeline”


LearnerShape and the Future of Work

January 28, 2020

Hello, world! This is the LearnerShape blog. LearnerShape was founded in 2019 (based upon ideas developed since 2017) to compute learning pathways for future jobs, using robust data science. We are funded by a grant from Innovate UK (the UK government innovation funding body) and private investors.